



Ptosis is a drooping of the upper eyelid. Ptosis can restrict and even block normal vision in some cases. The lid may drop slightly or entirely cover the pupil. It can affect both children and adults and can be treated surgically.

Ptosis can cause:

  • Affect either one or both eyelids.
  • be passed down.
  • Attend the birth.
  • Take place later in life.

Ptosis in Children

Congenital ptosis is frequently caused by a lack of development of the levator muscle, which lifts the eyelid. A child born with it may also have:

  • Abnormalities in eye movement.
  • Muscular disorders.
  • Tumours of the lids or other organs.
  • Neurological conditions.
  • Refractive flaws.
  • Congenital ptosis does not usually improve with age.

If your child has ptosis, please have them evaluated as soon as possible. Your child is susceptible to vision issues.

  • Amblyopia can develop if a child's eyelid droops so much that it blocks vision.
  • One eye will also have better vision than the other. There could also be issues with image fusion.
  • Tumours of the lids or other organs.
  • A child with ptosis may have astigmatism, which causes blurry vision.
  • Refractive flaws.
  • A squint can also form.

Ptosis Treatment for Children

Ptosis Surgery is the most common treatment for childhood ptosis. If amblyopia is present, treatment with patching, eyeglasses, or eye drops may be required. An ophthalmologist must consider a few important factors in determining whether or not eyelid ptosis surgery is necessary and which procedure is the most appropriate:

  • The age of the child.
  • The involvement of one or both eyelids.
  • The height of the eyelids.
  • Muscle strength for lifting and closing the eyelids.
  • The movements of the eye.

Ptosis in Adults

Separating or stretching the levator muscle tendon from the eyelid is the most common cause of ptosis in adults. This procedure may take place:

Adult ptosis can also be caused by other diseases that affect the levator muscle or its nerve supply, such as neurologic and muscular diseases and, in rare cases, orbital tumours.

Ptosis Treatment for Adults

If treatment is required, it is typically surgical. A small tuck in the lifting muscle and the removal of excess eyelid skin can sometimes raise the lid sufficiently. More severe ptosis necessitates levator muscle reattachment and strengthening.
