Laser-Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) surgery is the best way to get freedom from eyeglasses or contact lenses. It is the most popular vision-correcting refractive procedure performed all over the world.

Even though age beyond 18 years of age is usually not a concern but occasionally, people who are beyond 40 years of age worry if Lasik is the right choice for them.

So, what happens to you as you age?

As we mature into our 40s and beyond, the lens in the eye begins to change. It loses its elasticity, along with a gradual loss of flexibility and hardens into more of a plate shape.

This process is called presbyopia. Presbyopia affects nearly all of us as we enter middle age, and by the time most of us reach age 45, it has progressed to the degree that it is visually noticeable and requires some form of correction. For this reason, many individuals wind up wearing reading glasses or bifocals.

However, most of us who are not used to wearing glasses, find it difficult to adapt to this change – and look for remedies to remove their glasses.

What are my options post 40 years of age?

Are you concerned that LASIK is not an option for you as you are over the age of 40?

Thankfully due to the advancements in technology, people over the age of 40 have multiple options to undergo a refractive procedure.

🡪 Refractive Laser Vision Correction

One of the most common procedures of presbyopia is refractive laser vision. As we know, that our one eye is dominant over the other, we use this principle to correct your glass number after the age of 40. The doctor usually chooses the dominant eye for correcting full-distance, and the non-dominant eye is corrected for near-sightedness to enable it to see up close. The brain then adjusts over time to this new way of seeing.

This kind of correction works well for those who want complete freedom from glasses or contacts.

However, as your age advances and your lens elasticity loosens, the need for reading correction increases over time, someone who can initially see well up close, will probably need reading glasses eventually after a few years, but definitely will be less dependent on them.

🡪 Refractive Lens Exchange

This type of surgery is performed by removing the patient’s natural lens by replacing a new intraocular lens. This procedure may be especially useful for high hyperopes or those who have early cataractous changes. Patients who opt for this do not require cataract surgery in future. After the lens exchange special IOL’s like Monofocal IOL’s, Multifocal IOL’s, Trifocal IOL’s, or Accommodative IOL etc can be put.

A checklist before you consider going in for the surgery:

Overall eye health: If you have an existing condition, like dry eye syndrome, cataracts, glaucoma or another eye condition, you may not be a good candidate for LASIK.

Cornea thickness and smoothness: If your cornea is too thin or the surface is an irregular texture, it could compromise the outcome of the surgery and could even result in your vision getting worse.

Corneal topography is a must before opting for surgery.

Prescription stability: You must have the same prescription for at least 12 months.

Systemic Illness: You must have your Thyroid, Hypertension, Diabetes etc in control before you consent to the surgery.

You can watch a testimonial video here: