Eye diseases are linked to many health factors and diseases. Moreover, summers can further trigger eye diseases if not taken proper care of. So, it becomes imperative to take care of your eyes by following a simple eyecare regime, which can be solved with easy prevention and care.

An eye care routine is as simple and as necessary as following a skincare routine. Below are five simple eye care tips suggested by one of the best eye Surgeons in Mumbai, Dr. Himanshu Mehta, that you can follow in order to take care of your eyes during the summer season-

  1. Wear sunglasses while stepping out:

Wearing sunglasses to save eyes from the summer heat is a common practice. But it is important to select sunglasses that take care of the eyes. While choosing sunglasses for style, focus first on selecting glasses that provide complete protection from UV/UA rays. You can also wear a hat while stepping out to avoid sunlight from directly falling on your eyes.

2.Protect your eyes during outdoor activities.

When performing any outdoor activity like gardening, swimming, and playing during the daytime, it is best to protect your eyes from sun rays, similarly as you protect your skin. So, wear protection like glasses, goggles, helmets, shields, or face shields to safeguard from potential damage.

Whenever we swim, our eyes get exposed to chemicals and sometimes to contaminated water. Every time you go for a swim, make sure to wear swimming glasses to protect your eyes from potential infections that can be caused due to poor water quality.

If possible, you can completely avoid mid-day sun because the summer heat is the highest during the daytime and may lead to sunstroke.

3.Remain hydrated   

Dehydration affects the whole body and causes water loss. When it comes to eyes, dehydration makes it harder for the body to produce tears, leading to dry eye symptoms and similar vision problems.  

So, make sure to maintain a good intake level of fluids and water to keep dehydration at bay.  

4.Use eye drops   

Staying hydrated during summer is helpful but may not be sufficient for the eyes. Moreover, dry eyes may be caused due to exposure of eyes to contaminated water or may be a symptom of some eye issues.  

So, use eye drops to lubricate your eyes. If you are facing any eye issues, you must discuss them with your doctor. Using eye drops prescribed by the eye doctor can decrease eye pain or any eye problem.  

5.Hand hygiene

Many communicable diseases and infections start through hands and not following proper hygiene. Washing hands timely and touching eyes with clean eyes are preventive measures to save eyes from eye diseases and infection. Dr. Himanshu Mehta, one of the best Eye Doctors in Mumbai, and the best ophthalmologist in Mumbai suggests protecting eyes by touching eyes with clean hands. Dr. Himanshu Mehta has performed many cataract surgeries in Mumbai. He guides and gives expert advice for cataract surgery and LASIK patients to follow an eye care routine and recommends eye drops that are specially designed for surgery patients.

Keep a check on stress and have a good sleep schedule. Usually, when you are tired, your eyes become tired, and this encourages you to rub your eyes often. Moreover, lack of sleep can increase irritation in the eyes, and you may suffer decreased cognition on visual tasks.

Lastly, do not forget to have regular visits to the ophthalmologist and get regular check-ups done. If you are searching for of the best eye doctor in Mumbai, or are planning for cataract surgery in Mumbai, Vission Eye Center could be the ideal choice. Vission Eye Center is a team of world-renowned optical surgeons Dr. Himanshu Mehta, and specialists trained under him. Our medical team carefully monitors the eye health and results of all the patients.