The term "LASIK" refers to laser in-situ keratomileusis, a common procedure for people who require vision correction. These people typically have astigmatism, near-sightedness, or farsightedness. The eye surgeon will reshape your cornea during this kind of surgery. The light will then concentrate on the retina at the back of the eyes. 

Those of you who have to read this while wearing glasses will realise by now that having blade free LASIK surgery is going to be a life-changing experience. It would be a relief to see the world through new eyes finally. But, before you experience this positive change in your life, you must educate yourself on everything you need to know about blade free LASIK surgery, and this post provides an overview. 

The Benefits Of Blade Free Lasik 

This method allows your doctor to better tailor the LASIK flap to the unique shape of your eye. It can often avoid the complications associated with older flap formation techniques (such as microkeratomes) while providing the faster healing time LASIK provides over PRK or so-called "Surface Ablation" procedures. Everything from the flap's diameter to the angle of its edges can be precisely measured. Everyone's eyes are slightly different, and having a corneal flap customized to your eye will help your surgeon ensure you get the best results possible. 

Are You Eligible For Blade Free Lasik? 

While many patients are excellent candidates for blade free LASIK, your eyes are one-of-a-kind. To determine if blade free LASIK is a good option for you, you will need to have a thorough consultation with one of our surgeons. If you are not a good candidate for LASIK, there are usually other surgical vision correction options. 

How Does Lasik Work? 

The corneal flap is made to prepare for the second stage of the LASIK procedure. When this occurs, an excimer laser shapes the corneal tissue and alters the unique prescription of the eye. The blade free LASIK procedure creates the corneal flap by using brief, quick bursts of laser energy that evaporate corneal tissue. The surgeon has predetermined the depth and position of the microscopic bubbles produced by the laser pulses as they travel through the top layers of the cornea.  

The femtosecond laser applies these pulses over the entire area of the predetermined flap size, and entry points are then cut for the surgeon. In order to perform the second stage of your LASIK procedure, also known as the vision correction laser or excimer laser phase of the procedure, your surgeon must first access, separate, and gently fold back the flap. 

What Can Be Expected Out Of Blade Free Lasik?  

LASIK is a relatively quick procedure, with flap formation taking approximately 15 seconds per eye and the entire procedure lasting approximately 10 minutes. Blade free LASIK is painless because numbing drops are used to keep the eye comfortable. It would be best if you made transportation plans for the day of surgery because you will be unable to drive immediately after the procedure. As the healing process begins, patients may experience some redness, soreness, and scratchiness in their eyes, but medicated drops will be administered to provide comfort.  

Within 24 hours of their procedure, the majority of patients have good functional vision. Do not be concerned if your vision is not 20/20 right away; during the initial healing process, your vision may be hazy or foggy. During the healing process, your vision may change. The fluctuation can last 4-6 weeks, but it may take longer to stabilise because the eyes heal at different rates. 

For the next two weeks, avoid water sports, applying makeup, or using lotions or sunscreen products. For one month, you should not rub your eyes and protect your eyes by wearing safety goggles when participating in sports or working. Talk to your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about other activities or restrictions! 

Vission Eyes: Blade Free LASIK Surgery by The Best Optical Surgeons 

You will gain knowledge about blade free LASIK eye surgery through their consultation process, including its advantages, suitability, risks, and cost. Vission Eyes provides superior clinical outcomes quickly, precisely, and safely by utilising top-of-the-line tools powered by cutting-edge German technology. They track the eye's involuntary saccadic movements using the best eye tracker available. Every blade free LASIK procedure they offer complies with global eye safety standards.